For the fourth year in a row, the team at Hedberg Supply is taking customers on tours of two of the Twin Cities’ most scenic waterways through the month of August — the St. Croix River and Lake Minnetonka.
The first of three 2019 dinner boat cruises took place in Stillwater on Thursday, August 8 with ensuing events still to follow on August 15 and 22. Hedberg’s staff members enjoy playing host to fellow industry professionals — wandering the water together during evenings filled with fun and fresh air — the boat cruises providing a way to connect, converse and relax with existing clients outside the workplace.

Each cruise is filled with Hedberg customers who specialize in landscaping, masonry, architecture, custom home building and interior design, invitees grouped together on each boat by type of company. This pairs professionals together by expertise, creating a comfortable atmosphere for all in attendance.
With food, drinks and lots of laughs, the annual boat cruises are becoming a tradition that customers look forward to year after year. Not only do these events support other local business within the Twin Cities, they also act as a way to express thanks to those who choose to continue to work with Hedberg.