A stone with everlasting etchings now stands solid at the hole #1 tee of the kid’s course at Maple Grove’s Rush Creek Golf Club, forever promoting a lifelong message for all to embrace.
Its purpose: To honor the life of Minnesota’s own, Jacob Wetterling, who was the subject of an abduction-homicide at the age of 11 back in 1989.
Donated by Hedberg Supply after the Twin Cities-based company was approached by [Mike] Setran, who was in search of an engraver for the Just For Kids Foundation, the original Cape Stone monument displays what are known as “Jacob’s 11 Traits.”
It reads the following:
This stone has been donated by the Just For Kids Foundation to honor Jacob Wetterling’s commitment to a better world. Let Jacob’s 11 Traits be etched in stone so that both his loving memory and his values live forever.
1. Be fair
2. Be kind
3. Be understanding
4. Be honest
5. Be thankful
6. Be a good sport
7. Be a good friend
8. Be joyful
9. Be generous
10. Be gentle with others
11. Be positive
Setran, who spearheaded the project in conjuction with the Just For Kids Foundation and the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center, came up with the stone enshrinement idea as well as the words that would be carved into it – both being approved by the aforementioned parties.
The Cape Stone fixture was presented to Jacob Wetterling’s mother (pictured) and brother, Patty and Trevor, with Mrs. Wetterling saying it was the “nicest tribute ever to Jacob.”
For more, read FOX 9’s full story from Friday, September 22nd.